Adriana Cuestas, psydFaculty
ProfileAdriana Cuestas, PsyD is a Colombian, bilingual (Spanish/English) licensed clinical psychologist who has extensive experience in providing clinical services to young children presenting with mental health difficulties and trauma-related symptoms. Dr. Cuestas is a graduate fellow of the Infant-Parent Mental Health Fellowship, in Napa, CA, through UC Davis and is level 1 certified in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics certification through the Child Trauma Academy. As a direct provider of mental health services for young children, she provided clinical assessment and treatment using different modalities including Child-Parent Psychotherapy CPP and Reflective Parenting Program (RPP).
Currently, Dr. Cuestas is the Infant and Early Childhood Clinical Director at Allies for Every Child where she provides specialized early childhood clinical guidance through the different programs, (co-developed) directs and supports Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation program and early childhood psychotherapy practice, advances transdisciplinary consultation and reflective practice, and strengthens/develops partnerships with other agencies in the community. Currently, Dr. Cuestas is the Project Director of a Federal Grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) that focuses on expanding Allies for Every Child’s delivery of Early Childhood Mental Health Services to Children and Families and strengthens Early Childhood interdisciplinary workforce capacity. Dr. Cuestas is faculty at the Infant-Parent Mental Health Fellowship, in Napa, CA. Dr. Cuestas also has a private practice in which she provides direct psychotherapy, consultation services and reflective practice. Dr. Cuestas is CA-CIFECMH Endorsed as an Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist and as a Reflective Facilitator II. She is also a board member for the California Association for Infant Mental Health (CalAIMH). |