RESEARCH LIBRARYLocated at the heart of the Vista Del Mar campus, the Reiss-Davis Graduate School Research Library is a National Library of Medicine (NLM) listed mental health library containing a deep collection of psychological works, with an emphasis on psychoanalytic modalities and a focus on infancy, childhood, and adolescence. The Librarian is available for guidance and assistance in accessing additional resources pertinent to students' progression in their research, course assignments and dissertation writing process.
LIBRARY CATALOGAn online catalog is an ongoing multi-year project, which began by cataloging recently acquired items and includes select circulating items available for check-out by our users, as well as Course Reserves, Journals, and Reiss-Davis Video collections which are available for on-campus use only. To place holds and borrow items, you must have a Populi account. Vista Del Mar staff can request an account from the Librarian. If you are looking for a title not yet listed in the Online Catalog, contact the Librarian with the citation information.
Research LibraryPHONE
310.204.1666 x359 HOURS
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons: by appointment only Friday 11am- 4pm: online appointments during non-Residential weeks Residential Sundays: 2pm - 7pm DROP BOX LOCATION
Visit Mayer Building to pick up or drop off items during hours when the library is closed. Resources |