Sheila Honig, PhD, MSWFaculty
EducationPhD, Clinical Child Psychology, Graduate Center for Child Development and Psychotherapy, Los Angeles, California
MSW, Clinical Social Work, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington ProfileSheila Honig, PhD, has worked with adults, children, adolescents, couples and families for the past 45 years. She has a specialization in the treatment of pre-school aged children and adolescents, as well as in adoption. Although primarily in private practice in Beverly Hills, Dr. Honig has conducted groups for parents with children suffering from catastrophic illness, for professional women in negotiation, assertion skills and decision making, supervised interns at the Maple Center in Beverly Hills, conducted public workshops and seminars on adolescents, and taught classes through UCLA Extension on the pre-teen and teen years. Dr. Honig assisted Walter Brackelmanns, MD, in the establishment of the Marital Therapy Institute, an agency training professionals in work with couples, as well as in the creation of a new psychiatric referral service in the Los Angeles area. In the early 1980s, Dr. Honig was in charge of follow-up referrals for couples seen on the “Couples” program, which aired locally.
Dr. Honig was a member of the field faculty at the USC School of Social Work, serving as instructor and advisor to graduate students earning their MSW degree, and supervised students in their field placements at Gateways Beit T’shuvah, a residential treatment center for addictions (set up their internship program), Step-up on Second, a treatment facility for the mentally ill (additionally provided group supervision for the staff), Developmental Dynamics, an agency providing services to developmentally delayed children, LA Leadership Academy/Charter School (established this internship), Lift, Volunteers of America and The Usual Suspects. Dr. Honig participates on-going in workshops in Sacramento with the Board of Behavioral Sciences to write, rewrite and evaluate the LCSW Licensure exam. She has supervised clinical hours towards licensure for MSW and MFT candidates, and served on the Admissions Committee for the University of Washington School of Social Work. Her volunteer work has included working in collaboration with the Rabbi/Chaplain at Cedar Sinai Medical Center in the provision of supportive psychological services to Jewish patients, and seeing patients without charge for the Soldier’s Project, an agency providing mental health services to post 911 service men. She also supervised graduate students from USC in their placement with the Soldier’s Project. Current Research Interest
Academic Appointment
Professional Appointments
Private Practice Specializations
Membership in Organizations
PublicationHonig, S. (2014). Adopted children: The risk of interactive misattunement between the infant and the adoptive mother and the child relinquished at birth. Adoption Quarterly, 17 (3), 185-204.